
Timely topic from a communications rock star

Robert Udowitz

Agency Search Firm, M&A, Independent Consultant

Ufuoma is a thought leader here and well worth reading

Scott Sobel

Founder SAS PR

I love the focus on action and opportunity to guide new leaders and encourage them to step into their power to be the change

Monica Phillips

Certified Coach Creating Thriving Teams at the Intersection of Culture, DEI, and Wellbeing; Keynote Speaker 

A timely book on leadership and African Youth…I will definitely read and challenge my younger inner self to apply some of the principles

John B Manirakiza

Business Development Manager

I’ve always been impressed with Ufuoma Out’s keen intelligence, leadership and determination to make the world a better place. Now she’s created a fantastic new book to encourage young Africans to embrace great leadership on a continent where it is really needed. Check out her book, share it with young people and join me in congratulating Ufuoma on this milestone accomplishment!!

Shira Miller

CPCC, Chief Communications Officer, TEDx Speaker, Writer & Executive Coach

A timely topic about leadership and quite appropriate for the time we are in. Many success with ‘Lead You’

Courtney Vaughan

Kompiam Gold Partners

Very Informative! The perfect guide for young Africans who want to improve their continent. It provides in-depth information on how to become a leader and make a change. It’s written to encourage young Africans to make changes so the future of Africa can be successful


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Beautifully Written. The book really strikes a nerve! From the quote at the beginning to the ones sprinkled throughout that set the tone for each chapter, it 100% resonates because it starts out distinctly identifying the problems, but never in a ‘woe is Africa’ manner’

Alfred Okoro

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